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L - Live for the night - serial - L

nume ; Live for the night.

despre ; britney si caroline sunt 2 surori care provin dintr-o familie de vampiri. părinții lor au murit uciși de niște vânători de vampiri,iar ele au rămas singure. Connor este vârcolacul iubit al lui Caroline care le ajută mereu.

actori ;
zoella sugg - brittney willson.
selena gomez - caroline willson.
harry styles - elliot hampton.
kristen stewart - kendra tomlin.
zayn malik - connor joseph.

gen ; supernatural >:) =))))) muhahaha

generic ; Krewella- Live For The Night
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -
- alive for the night -

Comentarii album • 3
andreutzautza 30 November 2013  
nu inteleg ce trebe sa fac
DeYuDeea 20 July 2013  
suna bine
RomTv 16 July 2013  
Abia astept sa incepi:))
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